Autumn's definitely bedded itself in here. I can hear Winter knocking on the door; stock up and get prepared:
1 - Soup.

2 - Tea, and a teapot.
3 - A good pair of gumboots and thick socks.
4 - Good friends.

5 - Lots of dry firewood.
6 - A warm jacket.
7 - A good thick winter wetsuit with a built-in hood.
8 - A project to see you through to the Spring.
9- A stack of good books.

10 - A determination to find the fun in the colder months, and a secure knowledge that Spring is on it's way.

Wavecrest's Wellington Boots and A Wheelbarrow of Wood images shot by Dave Williams, Winter 2010. All other images shot by Mat Arney over the darker months of the past few years, Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
lovin it mat - hope you're well and to see you soon.